Tribulation: Daniel 9:24-27�Exegesis


III.               Daniel 9:24


�Seventy weeks��Seventy sevens or 70 x 7 = 490 years.


�are determined��are set aside. God is giving them another 490 years this side of the Babylonian captivity. The Babylonian captivity is the discipline Israel received because they did not observe the Sabbatical years. In the 490-year period BEFORE the Babylonian captivity they refused to rest every seventh year, so they received 70 years in captivity for the 70 they did not observe. (5th cycle of disciple, Israel out of the land).


�upon thy people��Israel.

�upon thy holy city��Jerusalem.


Six things to be accomplished in the 490 years: (All concluded by the end of the Jewish Age at the Second Advent)


IV.              �to finish the transgression��Since the 2nd Advent is the termination of the 5th cycle of discipline, it results in the removal of the sins which led to the 5th cycle of discipline. From the 2nd Advent on the Jews are never under the 5th cycle. (Leviticus 26:27-39)

V.                 �to make an end of sins��the baptism of fire for the Jews.

VI.              �to make reconciliation for iniquity��Regathering of the Jews at the Second Advent.

VII.            �to bring in everlasting righteousness��The 2nd Advent will bring in all the regenerate. There will be the resurrection of Old Testament and Tribulational saints, Daniel 12:1-3.

VIII.         �to seal up the vision and prophecy��Termination of the Jewish Age at the 2nd Advent.

IX.               �to anoint the most Holy��This refers to the Holy of Holies. Jesus Christ will dedicate the Millennial temple personally. The last half of Ezekiel describes this dedication and the millennial operation of the temple when Christ comes back to reign.


����� II.��� Daniel 9:25


�Know therefore��In view of this.

�commandment��The commandment of Nehemiah 2:1-8.

�to restore and build Jerusalem��Issued by Artaxerxes in 445 BC.

�unto Messiah the Prince��Jesus Christ.

�shall be seven weeks, three score and two weeks�:


7 weeks x 7 = 49 years

62 weeks x 7 = 434 years


������ 69 weeks x 7 = 483 years


�troublous times� � the first 49 years. Read Nehemiah and note the opposition of these times. Nehemiah 2-6.


III.               Daniel 9:26.


�And after three score and two weeks��434 years + the 49 years of troublous times, making a total of 483 years�.


�shall Messiah be cut off��The death of the Lord Jesus Christ. The 483 years of the prophecy goes right up to the cross.


�but not for Himself��He is dying for each of us.


�people of the prince��the Romans.

�prince that shall come��a Roman.


�shall destroy the city and the sanctuary��The destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD.


�the end thereof shall be with a flood� (of people). Note the use of the term �flood� in Revelation 12:15, where Israel is being besieged by Satan with huge armies. In the Old Testament, Assyria is pictured as an overflowing scourge as it comes into Palestine�that is, the flooding of Palestine is a picture of the Assyrian army as it conquers everything before it.

a.       So �flood� is used of Israel being conquered by the Assyrians. Isaiah 28:2.

b.       �with a flood� refers to the conquering of Jerusalem in 70 AD.

c.       Revelation 12:15 refers to the attempted conquering of Jerusalem during the Tribulation.


������ �unto the end��the end of the Jewish Age.


������ �desolations are determined��until the end (2nd Advent); war and desolations will be the order of the day. Matthew 24.


IV.              Daniel 9:27


�He��the dictator of Palestine.


�the covenant� � Sacrifices in unbelief.


�with many�with the Jews.


�for one week��seven years.


�in the midst of the week��the middle of the Tribulation.���


�he shall cause��The Dictator of Palestine.


�the sacrifice and oblation to cease��No more sacrifices are offered in the temple because the Dictator of Palestine is going to set up the statue in the temple.


�for the overspreading of abominations��Protectionfrom the Dictator of the Revived Roman Empire because of an alliance.


�he shall make it desolate��the Dictator of Palestine stops the sacrifices.


�even until the consummation��the end of the Tribulation.


�and that��what is determined.

�shall be poured upon the desolate��Desolator. The Jewish Dictator shall receive his just end from God.